Quality Data Bay

Compliant - Proficient - Informed

Change Order-Test

Describe, review, and approve your engineering change order, deviation, or emergency change. Use advanced sorting and filtering capabilities to keep track of changes and finalize with built-in and customizable document control functions. Includes electronic signatures for each stage of the change management process, customization, audit trail, and other reporting functionality.

This software product is in the final stage of development. To learn more about this product, its scheduled release date, or if a beta test version exists, contact Quality Data Bay by registering on our website and submitting a support ticket.

$ 1,195.00

Emergency Changes and Deviations

Sometimes, a process, product, or document requires an emergency change or a deviation to facilitate a rapid or temporary change in a product, process, or document. These changes are normally small in scope and require a rapid approval process.

Change Request Option

A change request can be populated with a change type, initiator, request description, justification, estimated costs, and any reference numbers associated with the change request, such as NCR, complaint and/or corrective action number. Note that the customization menu allows you to set up as many reference types as needed. A change request is typically required when approval to invest time and resources in a change must be secured first.

Change Order Option

Once a change request is approved, the data is moved to the change order process. Or, speed up the process and bypass the change request and begin with a change order, for those changes that must occur.

Document Control Activities

The document control checklist is determined in customization for both change orders and for emergency changes and deviations. There is one item on the checklist that is designated as the effectivity trigger. Once this checklist item is completed and checked off, the effectivity field is populated with today’s date. If the true effectivity of the change is not today’s date, the date can be changed manually by document control. However, this date is locked as soon as document control closes the change.


Customize what notifications will occur and who will get them when triggered. Here are some examples:

  • Notify to Review and Approve change request (initiated manually by user)
  • Notify Eng Manager of change request approval so an assignment can be made
  • After change order assignment by Eng Manager, notify change order assignee
  • Notify to Review and Approve change order
  • Notify document control and change order assignee

Copy an Existing Record

An existing record can be copied as a template for a new change order. The copy feature copies all details from the original change record (even closed records), except for approval signatures and approval dates. If a change has been disapproved, and a copy has been made to “try again,” the approving authorities are alerted that a previous change has been disapproved, providing an opportunity to investigate.

Training Mode

Training mode allows the user to create and copy change request and change order records for training purposes that can be easily deleted as needed. A command button is used to enter Training Mode. Exit Training Mode by exiting the database. Any user can open a database session and switch to training mode – while other users are creating and editing real change requests and change orders.

Change Request Process Flow

Change Order Process Flow

Deviation or Emergency Change Process Flow

Document Control Process Flow

Searching for a record in the Change Order database is easy.

In Tree Mode, you can group records by:

  • Status
  • Change Type
  • Person Responsible
  • Initiator

You can choose to show only open records, closed records, or open and closed records.

In Find Mode, you can query records by document type, reference number, or text string. A reference such as an audit or corrective action number can be used to group like records to facilitate finding those records later. A text string can also be used to locate a record.

For instance, perhaps you validated Widget E years ago and now you need to recall the change order record. Type in “Validate” or “Widget E” into the Text String field and select the text field labels most likely to contain the text, such as Description. The search results will produce a record list of exact matches.

The third search type is Jump to Record. Use this feature when you already know the ID number of the record. The database will jump directly to that record.

This database includes built-in reports with filter and sort functions.

Reports: Instantly preview a print of your change (1 click from the main menu) anytime during the process of a change. Additional reports are included in the Reports Menu such as change records, document control to-do list, cost reporting, audit trail for approvals and customizations, reference number reporting, document number change list, and emergency or deviation changes.

Powerful filtering, grouping and sorting methods allow you to report the data you need most. Report Favorites can be created and named so you can quickly generate weekly, monthly, quarterly and other complex reports with a saved filter.

This database includes customization options. Customize and optimize how you interact with the database.

  • General Database Setup
  • Employee Data / Electronic Signatures
  • Authorization Matrix
  • Change Type / Approval
  • References / Disposition / Cycle
  • Document Control
  • List By / Notifications / Reports / Training Mode
  • Aliases and Password Protocol

For additional customization options unique to your needs, submit a help ticket request.

Question 1
Question 2

2 reviews for Change Order-Test

  1. Karena Fiore

    This product rocks!

  2. Karena Fiore

    I would recommend this database to my friends.

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